The Residence Managers have an office near the front door which will be manned on weekdays between 9am-3:45pm. If you have any issues with the building or your room you should report it to the person in the office and they will try their best to help with it.
Deliveries are managed by the Residence Managers. Post is organised by surname not by room, i.e. there is no need to put a room number on your letter. Unsigned parcels are left beside the post, signed-for parcels can only be collected from the office during office hours.
The Wardens are made up of one head warden and three assistant wardens. They’re all super friendly and usually come to meals – feel free to sit with them and speak to them wherever you see them! Wardens are principally concerned with wellbeing and discipline. Each week-night they hold surgery after dinner (7pm-7:15pm) and are on call for emergencies overnight (7pm-8am) and at the weekend (2pm-8am). The number for the wardens will be on your welcome letter and is posted around the hall.
Quiet hours start at 11 so you will probably get kicked out of your rooms by one of the wardens if your pres go on later than that! They also like to poke their heads into rooms if you’re being too loud (more leeway is given in freshers week since no one is really studying yet).
Committee are elected representatives from hall who control a budget taken from your hall fees in order to improve student experience in halls. That translates to us mostly throwing a bunch of parties and organising the ultimate event, Hall Ball, at the end of the year. We’re also responsible for wellbeing, environmental concerns, charity fundraising, and hall sports.
The exact positions available on the committee change from year to year (It’s traditional for the Senior Student to change the constitution to add/remove positions as necessary). However, there is always at least one of the following positions: Senior Student, Treasurer, Secretary, Events Rep, Charities Rep, Environmental Rep, Wellbeing Rep, Freshers Rep & Male & Female Sports Rep. There might be extra positions and some of these might be combined – it’s always changing!
If you’re interested in joining committee in one of our unfilled positions, keep an eye out for elections in the second week of Semester 1!